RV Companies

RV Companies allows you to search a wide variety of companies in the RV industry. In addition, we provide a directory resource enabling you to search local RV dealer in your area. People enjoy RVs and RVing for a wide variety of reasons and among those are personal entertainment, transportation, and if everyday living. You can sort through some of the most popular RV companies to ensure that you get the best deal and RV for your needs. Are you thinking about buying a RV but don’t know where to shop? Most people suggest that you buy local to save time, have extra conveniences and of course, save money. While it is sometimes possible to find slightly better deals if you shop around in a larger area, chances are it won’t pay off in the long run

RV Companies

Growing Popularity of RVs in the United States

Recreational vehicles have seen quite the boom in the past decade, and due to the Coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people think about getting a new RV and exploring remote locations. Not only does it keep them away from the pandemic, but it’s also very exciting and fun, which is always an important thing to take into consideration.

How large is the RV industry? One thing to note is that around 11% of the US households have their own RV. They choose to have one because it makes traveling anywhere from 20 to 60% cheaper, if not more. On top of that, 15 million millennials in the US alone own an RV. That means going out and exploring the world is especially fun and exciting for millennials, and they are excited to try out the idea of going all over the country with their own vehicle.

RV Dealers By State

When it comes to the RV industry, it brings $114 billion to the US economy, and it contributes with $6 billion in taxes. That means it’s a very important part of the economy, not to mention it employs around 600000 people.

How many people live in an RV full-time?

It might surprise you, but around 1 million Americans are living in an RV full-time. More than 50% of RVers also take their pets with them too, which is something to keep in mind. Roughly 40 million US residents are going on an RV trip often, with around 25 million going once a year at the very least.

Most RV owners are male and within 38 to 55 years old. However, there’s a major rise in solo female RVers in the past few years. So just about everyone enjoys owning and using an RV the way they want without any limitations.

With more than 16000 campgrounds for private and public RV camping all over the country, it’s easy to see that the US government supports people getting their own RV. It’s an amazing and exciting opportunity, one of those things that everyone needs to check out and explore. That alone can be very exciting especially for millennials and people that don’t really travel a whole lot.

Are the numbers increasing in 2020?

Yes, due to the pandemic a lot of people decided to buy their own RV and go out to explore the country. With many locations entering a state of isolation, it’s more important than ever to try and find ways to stay sane, and connecting with nature is the right approach here. We expect the number of RVs sold this year to be a lot higher than 2019, which was actually in decline from the previous year.

One thing is certain, RVing can be a lot of fun and it’s easy to see why people have such a great time with it. Being able to control where you go, when you go and how you reach that destination is very exciting. You don’t have anyone to abide to other than yourself. This sense of freedom is extraordinary, and it really goes to show the tremendous value and unique results you can acquire this way. If you love the idea of exploring the entire country at your own pace, getting a RV is a great investment and you will be very happy with the results!
